
A Java library to make mathematical animations

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Transforming Objects

All classes that inherit from MathObject can be transformed. Several methods for shifting, rotating, scaling, or aligning are defined, and most of them have an animated version. Note that most of these methods return the object self, so that they can be applied consecutively like this object.method1().method2()….

Positioning objects


The shift command shifts the object by the specified vector

Shape,1));//An unit circle, centered at (1,1)

A simpler 2D-version is also provided:

Shape sq=Shape.square().shift(-3,0);//An unit square, lower left vertex at (-3,0)


The moveTo command shifts the object so that its center is positioned at the given coordinates. Note that the center is the center of the bounding box of the object, not the geometrical center. For regular polygons, for example, they don’t necessarily match.

Shape r=Shape.regularPolygon(5).moveTo(3,3);//A pentagon, with its bounding box centered at (3,3)


The StackTo command allows us to position an object relative to another one. For example, the following code creates 4 circles and stacks them into a square in different ways:

Shape c1 ="orange").fillAlpha(.3);
Shape c2 = c1.copy().fillColor("violet").fillAlpha(.6);
Shape c3 = c1.copy().fillColor("darkgreen").fillAlpha(.5);
Shape c4 = c1.copy().fillColor("darkblue").fillAlpha(.5);
Shape sq = Shape.square().fillColor("darkred").fillAlpha(.3);
c1.stackTo(sq, Anchor.Type.LEFT, .1);//Stacks circle to the left of the square, with a gap of .1 units
c2.stackTo(sq, Anchor.Type.RIGHT, .1);//Stacks circle to the right of the square, with a gap of .1 units
c3.stackTo(sq, Anchor.Type.UPPER);//Stacks circle to the upper side of the square, with no gap
c4.stackTo(sq, Anchor.Type.CENTER);//Stacks circle center-to-center with the square
add(c1, c2, c3, c4, sq);//Add everything to the scene
camera.adjustToAllObjects(); //Adjust camera, so that everyone gets into the photo
waitSeconds(5);//That is, smile for the screenshot!

which produces the following image:

02 stackToExample

You’ll notice two new methods here: The copy() method returns a copy of the object, and the camera.adjustToAllObjects() does as it says, rescales the camera so that everything fits into view, but it doesn’t zoom in. The fillColor and fillAlpha sets the filling of the object.

Note that the .moveTo(p)method is equivalent to .stackTo(p, Anchor.Type.CENTER).

With the stackTo command you can easily generate aligned objects:

Shape previousPol = Shape.regularPolygon(3).fillColor(JMColor.random()).thickness(8);//First polygon, with random fill color
for (int n = 4; n < 10; n++) {
    Shape pol = Shape.regularPolygon(n).fillColor(JMColor.random()).thickness(8).stackTo(previousPol, Anchor.Type.RIGHT);
    previousPol = pol;//New polygon becomes previous in the next iteration
camera.adjustToAllObjects();//Everyone should appear in the photo
waitSeconds(5);//Time for screenshot, but you already should know that

Which produces this regular polygons pattern. Note that all polygons are vertically aligned and their bounding boxes are stacked horizontally. Actually, you can achieve the same effect easier using layouts with MathObjectGroup as we will see later in this chapter.

02b stackToExample2

You can change the Anchor to other values to see how these anchors work. Apart from UPPER, LOWER, LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER there are also UR (up-right), UL (up-left), DR (down-right) and DL (down-left).

By default, the stackTo method takes the appropriate origin anchor point to align with the destination anchor point. For example, stackTo(obj,Anchor.Type.RIGHT) will move the object so that its LEFT anchor (the reverse of RIGHT) matches the RIGHT anchor of the destination object. You can specify the origin and destiny anchors too. For example, this code will place a square so that its center matches the right side of a circle:

Shape sq = Shape.square().scale(.5, .5).fillColor("orange").fillAlpha(.5).thickness(8);
Shape c ="yellow").fillAlpha(.5).thickness(8);
add(c, sq);
sq.stackTo(Anchor.Type.CENTER, c, Anchor.Type.RIGHT, 0);//Center of sq goes to RIGHT of c



This methods is similar to stackTo, but it positions the object relative to the current view.

Shape sq=Shape.square().scale(.5).style("solidblue");

//Stack square to the left of the screen, with no gaps

//Stack a copy of square to the left of the screen,with gaps of .3 horizontal and .1 vertical (here only horizontal one is used)

//Stack a unit circle to the upper left corner of the screen, with no gaps


You obtain objects stacked to the borders of the actual screen view:


There is shortcut method if you want to simply put the object at the center screen. The method .center() is equivalent to .stackToScreen(Anchor.Type.CENTER).

Aligning objects

The MathObjectclass has the method align which aligns the object with another one, using one of the aligns in the enum Align: LEFT, RIGHT, UPPER, LOWER, HCENTER, VCENTER.

Line floor = Line.XAxis();
for (int n = 4; n < 10; n++) {
    Shape pol = Shape.regularPolygon(n) //Creates a regular polygon with n sides...
        .moveTo(Point.random()) //Move its center to a random point on current view...
        .scale(Math.random() * .5);//And scale it randomly between 0 and 0.5
    Shape pol2 = pol.copy() //Creates a copy of the polygon...
        .fillColor(JMColor.random()) //fill it with a random color...
        .thickness(6) //With this thickness...
        .align(floor, MathObject.Align.LOWER);//And align the bottom of the object with object floor
    add(pol, pol2);
camera.adjustToAllObjects();//Everyone should appear in the photo


Scaling objects

All MathObject instances can be scaled with the scale command. Scaling can be done from a given scale center or by default, the center of the object bounding box.

public void setupSketch() {

public void runSketch() throws Exception {
    Shape circle...
        .style("solidorange")//Style solidorange (included in #light.xml)
        .shift(-1, 0) //Shifted 1 unit to the left
        .scale(.5, 1);//x-scale and y-scale around center
    Shape s2=Shape.regularPolygon(5)//A regular pentagon...
        .style("solidred")//Style solidred (included in #light.xml)
        .shift(0, 1)//Shifted 1 unit up
        .scale(, 0), 1.3, .2);//x-scale and y-scale around (0,0)
    Shape s3=Shape.square() //A square...
        .style("solidblue")//Style solidblue (included in #light.xml)
        .shift(1, 0)//shifted 1 unit to the left
        .scale(.3); //Uniform scale around center

produces the result:

04 scaleExample1

Rotating objects

The rotate command rotates the object around a given center (or the center of the object if none is given). The angle is specified in radians but can also be given in degrees using the DEGREES constant. The format is object.rotate(center_of_rotation,angle) or object.rotate(angle). As in the scale method, if no center is specified, the center of the bounding box is chosen as rotation center.

For example:

Shape ellipse =, 1);//Creates an ellipse
ellipse.fillColor("violet").fillAlpha(.25);//fill violet 25% opacity
Point rotationCenter =, 0);
for (int n = 0; n < 180; n += 20) {
    add(ellipse.copy().rotate(rotationCenter, n * DEGREES));

Gives this spirograh-like picture:

05 rotateExample1

Affine Transforms

shift, rotate and scale are particular cases of a more general affine transform implemented by the AffineJTransform class. This class defines general affine transforms in the 2D plane, and has several static convenience methods for some of the most common transforms:

The createTranslationTransform(Vec v) or createTranslationTransform(Point A, Point B) creates a translation transform. The shift command is just a shortcut for this transform.

The create2DRotationTransform(Point center, double angle) creates a rotation transform, which is used in the rotate command.

The createScaleTransform(Point center, double sx, double sy, double sz) creates a scaling transform. The z-scale factor is here for compatibility to extend to the 3D case, but is currently not used. Used in the scale command.

Given any MathObject instance, there are 2 main methods to use an AffineJTransform object on it:

Isomorphic transformations

The createDirect2DIsomorphic(Point A, Point B, Point C, Point D, double alpha) is a combination of shifting, rotating and uniform scaling. This method generates the (only) direct transform of this type that maps the points (A,B) into points (C,D). The alpha parameter is used for animations, as a value of alpha=0 returns the identity transform and alpha=1 returns the full transform. Intermediate values return intermediate transforms, interpolating the shifting, rotating, and scaling parameters adequately. These transforms preserve not the size, but the shape and proportions of the objects.

Look at the following example:

Shape sq = Shape.square().shift(-1.5, -1).fillColor("darkgreen").fillAlpha(.3);//Square, fill color dark green, and opacity 30%
Point A = sq.getPoint(0).drawColor("darkblue");//First vertex of the square (lower-left corner), dark blue color
Point B = sq.getPoint(1).drawColor("darkblue");//First vertex of the square (lower-right corner), dark blue color
Point C =, -1).drawColor("darkred");//Destiny point of A, dark red color
Point D =, .5).drawColor("darkred");//Destiny point of B, dark red color
add(A, B, C, D);
for (double alpha = 0; alpha <= 1; alpha += .2) {
    AffineJTransform transform = AffineJTransform.createDirect2DIsomorphic(A, B, C, D, alpha);
    add(transform.getTransformedObject(sq));//Adds a copy of the square, transformed

Produces the following sequence of interpolated transforms from one square to another. Note that this transformation may change the scale of objects, but proportions are unaltered:

Direct Isomorphic transform example

WARNING: You should be careful, when defining the parameters of a transformation like createDirect2DIsomorphic(A, B, C, D, alpha) if the points A, B, C, D are going to be actually modified by the transformation itself (for example, A is an instance of a point of the shape you are transforming). The safe approach in this case should be using copies of the points as parameters, with the .copy() method.

Since version 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT, the createInverse2DIsomorphic method is implemented too, that returns the (only) inverse isomorphic transform that maps A into C and B into D.

Shape sq = LaTeXMathObject.make("R").get(0).scale(8).center().fillColor("steelblue").fillAlpha(.3);//Square, fill color dark green, and opacity 30%
Point A = sq.getBoundingBox().getDL().drawColor("darkblue");//First vertex of the square (lower-left corner), dark blue color
Point B = sq.getBoundingBox().getUL().drawColor("darkblue");//First vertex of the square (lower-right corner), dark blue color
Point C =, -1).drawColor("darkred");//Destiny point of A, dark red color
Point D =, .5).drawColor("darkred");//Destiny point of B, dark red color
add(A, B, C, D);
for (double alpha = 0; alpha <= 1; alpha += .2) {
    AffineJTransform transform = AffineJTransform.createInverse2DIsomorphic(A, B, C, D, alpha);
    add(transform.getTransformedObject(sq));//Adds a copy of the square, transformed

Inverse Isomorphic transform example


If we want to make a reflection of an object, we can use the static methods createReflection and createReflectionByAxis. They differ in the way the transformation is specified:

In both cases, the alpha parameter works in a similar way to the isomorphic transform.

An example of createReflection is shown in the following source code:

Shape sq = Shape.regularPolygon(5).fillColor("violet").fillAlpha(.3);//Regular pentagon, fill violet, opacity 30%
Point A = sq.getPoint(0).copy().drawColor("darkblue");//Copy of the first vertex of the pentagon(lower-right corner), color dark blue
Point B = A.copy().shift(.5, -.2).drawColor("darkred");//Copy of A, shifted (.5,-2), color dark red
add(A, B);
for (double alpha = 0; alpha <= 1; alpha += .2) {
    AffineJTransform transform = AffineJTransform.createReflection(A, B, alpha);//Reflection that maps A into B
    add(transform.getTransformedObject(sq));//Adds a copy of the pentagon, transformed

07 reflectionExample1

General affine transforms

There is also a more general way to define an affine transform using createAffineTransformation(Point A, Point B, Point C, Point D, Point E, Point F, double lambda). It returns the (only) affine transform that maps the points (A,B,C) into (D,E,F), with the lambda interpolation parameter as in the previous methods. Here’s an example:

Shape sq = Shape.square().drawColor("brown").thickness(4);
Shape circ =, .5).fillColor("orange").fillAlpha(.1);//A circle inscribed into the square
//We create the points with layer(1) so that the draw over the square and circles (by default in layer 0)
Point A =, 0).drawColor("darkblue").layer(1); 
Point B =, 0).drawColor("darkblue").layer(1); 
Point C =, 1).drawColor("darkblue").layer(1); 
Point D =, -.5).dotStyle(DotSyle.PLUS).thickness(6).drawColor("darkgreen");
Point E =, 0).dotStyle(DotSyle.PLUS).thickness(6).drawColor("darkgreen");
Point F =, .75).dotStyle(DotSyle.PLUS).thickness(6).drawColor("darkgreen");
add(sq, circ, A, B, C, D, E, F);

for (double alpha = 0; alpha <= 1; alpha += .2) {
    //A maps to D,B maps to E, C maps to F
    AffineJTransform transform = AffineJTransform.createAffineTransformation(A, B, C, D, E, F, alpha);
    add(transform.getTransformedObject(sq));//Adds a copy of the square, transformed
    add(transform.getTransformedObject(circ));//Adds a copy of the circle, transformed

That produces the following image:

08 GeneralAffineExample1


The MathObjectGroupclass allows applying layouts to its members through the setLayout(layout,gap) method, which positions all objects with the given layout and specified gap. The layouts are defined in the enum MathObjectGroup.Layout and currently are CENTER, LEFT, RIGHT, UPPER and LOWER, which aligns the objects centered in these directions. There are also the versions URIGHT, DRIGHT, ULEFT, DLEFT which work in a similar way but align at the top (U) o bottom (D), and LUPPER, RUPPER, LLOWER, RLOWER that align to the left (L) or right (R). There are also the DIAG1, DIAG2, DIAG3, and DIAG4 layouts that align in the main diagonals of the 4 sectors (45, 135, 225 and 315 degrees).

The following code shows all current layouts, with a set of 10 increasing squares:

MathObjectGroup group = MathObjectGroup.make();
double h = 0;//This will hold the total height of the squares, to properly zoom out the camera later
for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
    Shape square = Shape.square().scale(.2 + .1 * n).fillColor(JMColor.random()).fillAlpha(.5).thickness(6);
    h += square.getHeight();
camera.scale(2 * h / camera.getMathView().getHeight());//Zooms out so that the height of view is 2xTotal height
add(group);//This adds all squares to the scene, but not the group object itself.
LaTeXMathObject layoutName = LaTeXMathObject.make("").scale(7);
for (MathObjectGroup.Layout layout : MathObjectGroup.Layout.values()) {//Iterate over all the layout values
    group.setLayout(layout, .1); //Set this layout, with .1 gap between objects
    layoutName.setLaTeX(, .2, .2); //Change value of the label


There is a more advanced overloaded form of this method, where the layout is given as a subclass of the GroupLayout class. Since version 0.8.9, the BoxLayout, SpiralLayout, HeapLayout and PascalLayout have been implemented. These methods work well when all elements of the group have the same dimensions. You can define your own layouts subclassing the GroupLayout abstract class.

The BoxLayout

The BoxLayout allocates the objects in a matrix form:

MathObjectGroup gr = MathObjectGroup.make();
int num = 16;
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
    MathObject sq = Shape.square().scale(.25).fillColor("violet").fillAlpha(1 - 1. * (n+1) / num).thickness(6);
    LaTeXMathObject t = LaTeXMathObject.make("" + n);
    t.stackTo(sq, Anchor.Type.CENTER).layer(1);
    gr.add(MathObjectGroup.make(sq, t));//Each object of the group is itself a group with 2 elements
Point refPoint = Point.origin(); //The reference point to locate the box
BoxLayout layout = new BoxLayout(refPoint, 4, BoxLayout.Direction.RIGHT_UP, .1, .1);//This is where the magic happens
waitSeconds(3);//Smile, you're in a screenshot!

Gives a static image like this. The red dot is the reference point


The BoxLayout.Direction.RIGHT_UP tells the layout to first fill the row in the RIGHT direction, and then go UP to move to the next one. You can try other values, like LEFT_DOWN.

The gaps are not the usual horizontal and vertical gaps, but the in-row-gap, and between-row gaps. The “row” term in this case is not the usual horizontal row, but the lower level groups of objects. For example, if direction is RIGHT_DOWN , RIGHT_UP, LEFT_DOWN or LEFT_UP the “rows” will be horizontal and the in-row-gap will act like a horizontal gap (and the between-rows-gap like a vertical gap), but if direction is UP_RIGHT, UP_LEFT, DOWN_RIGHT, or DOWN_LEFT, the “rows” will be vertical and the in-row-gap will act like a vertical gap. An image is worth a thousand words:


The BoxLayout has the methods getRowGroups and getColumnGroups which return a MathObjectGroup with its elements other MathObjectGroup objects, each one with the elements of a row (or column).

For example, if you add the following lines right before the waitSecondscommand in the previous code, you can assign random fill colors to each row:

for(MathObjectGroup rows:layout.getRowGroups(gr)) {//Iterate over the rows


The SpiralLayout

If in the previous code you change the

BoxLayout layout = new BoxLayout(refPoint, 4, BoxLayout.Direction.RIGHT_UP, .1, .1);//This is where the magic happens


SpiralLayout layout = new SpiralLayout(refPoint, SpiralLayout.Orientation.RIGHT_CLOCKWISE, .1, .1);//Another kind of magic!

You will get the objects in a spiral form:


The orientation parameter specifies if the spiral is clockwise or counterclockwise and the position of the second object relative to the first one (which is centered at the reference point). The gaps are the usual horizontal and vertical gaps.

This class has the methodsetSpiralGap that admits an integer parameter that controls the aperture of the spiral. The default value is 0. A value of 1 will leave a single space between consecutive turns of the spiral. A value of 2 will leave 2 spaces, etc. If in the previous example we make the following change in the number of squares and the creation of the layout:

int num=50;//Now we are creating more squares!
SpiralLayout layout = new SpiralLayout(refPoint, SpiralLayout.Orientation.RIGHT_CLOCKWISE, 0, 0).setSpiralGap(1);

You will obtain the following image:


The HeapLayout

If you use the HeapLayout:

HeapLayout layout = new HeapLayout(refPoint, .1, .1);

You will get a triangular pile of numbered squares:


The PascalLayout

The PascalLayout resembles the positions of numbers in the Pascal triangle. If you use the code:

PascalLayout layout = new PascalLayout(refPoint,.1,.1);

You will obtain a layout like this:


The FlowLayout

The FlowLayout is similar to the BoxLayout except the new row is created when exceeds certain width, most like a text editor will do.

int num = 70;
MathObjectGroup sqs = MathObjectGroup.make();
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {//Create random bars
     sqs.add(Shape.square().scale(Math.random(), .1).style("solidorange"));
double width = 2;
final Point corner = Point.relAt(.1, .9);
add(Line.YAxis().shift(corner.v.add(, 0))));//Draw vertical lines to mark the margins
add(Line.YAxis().shift(corner.v.add(, 0))));
FlowLayout flayout = new FlowLayout(corner, width, AbstractBoxLayout.Direction.RIGHT_DOWN, 0,0);


Composing layouts

From version 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT the ComposeLayout allows the creation of more complex layouts by composition. The syntax for creating a composite layout is

ComposeLayout composedLayout=new ComposeLayout(outerLayout, innerLayout, size);

When applied to a group, this layout will first divide the group into subgroups of size elements, then will layout each one with the inner layout, and finally it will layout each subgroup, as an individual object, with the outer layout.

We illustrate this with an example. Here we use as inner layout a BoxLayout and as outer layout a PascalLayout.

MathObjectGroup gr = MathObjectGroup.make();
int num = 54;
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {//Creates a group with 54 numbered squares
    MathObject sq = Shape.square().scale(.25).fillColor("violet").fillAlpha(1 - 1. * (n + 1) / num).thickness(6);
    LaTeXMathObject t = LaTeXMathObject.make("" + n);
    t.stackTo(sq, Anchor.Type.CENTER).layer(1);
    gr.add(MathObjectGroup.make(sq, t));//Each object of the group is itself a group with 2 elements

Point refPoint = Point.origin(); //The reference point to locate the outer layout
add(refPoint.thickness(40).drawColor(JMColor.RED).layer(1));//add this point so we can see it clearly

GroupLayout innerLayout = new BoxLayout(refPoint, 3, BoxLayout.Direction.RIGHT_DOWN, 0, 0);
GroupLayout outerLayout = new PascalLayout(refPoint, .1, .1);
ComposeLayout composedLayout=new ComposeLayout(outerLayout, innerLayout, 9);//The composed layout

waitSeconds(3);//Smile, you're in a screenshot!


Another example: we use composite layouts to draw a Sierpinski triangle using a group of equilateral triangles and iterating compositions:

MathObjectGroup triangles = MathObjectGroup.make();
int degree = 6;//Degree of the Sierpinski triangle
int num = (int) Math.pow(3, degree);//We need 3^degree triangles!
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
    MathObject tr = Shape.regularPolygon(3).scale(.25);
Point corner = Point.relAt(.5, .9);//Top corner of the Sierpinski triangle
PascalLayout innerLayout = new PascalLayout(corner, 0, 0);
GroupLayout previousLayout = innerLayout;
GroupLayout sierpinskiLayout = innerLayout;
for (int n = 1; n < degree; n++) {//Iterates composing the innerLayout with itself 6 times
    sierpinskiLayout = new ComposeLayout(previousLayout, innerLayout, 3);
    previousLayout = sierpinskiLayout;

We obtain the following image (note that there are 729 triangles in there):


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