
A Java library to make mathematical animations

Project maintained by davidgutierrezrubio Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

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Applying styles

Each MathObject has an object implementing the Stylable interface that stores drawing parameters.

Basic styles


Each object has 2 colors: the draw color (changed with .drawColor), used for drawing the contour; and the fill color (changed with .fillColor), used to fill the object. Each color is stored in a JMColorobject, with the components red, green, blue, and alpha. The .thicknessmethod sets the thickness of the stroke used to draw the object.

Shape r = Shape.regularPolygon(5)

When added to the scene, it will show something like this:


Here we can see the method .parse to define a color. All JavaFX color names are supported, as well as hexadecimal format #RRGGBBAA (8 hexadecimal digits), #RRGGBB (6 hexadecimal digits) and #RGB (4 hexadecimal digits) . Also, both methods to change colors are overloaded so that drawColor(string)is equivalent to drawColor(JMColor.parse(string)), and the same with fillColor.

JMColor col1 = new JMColor.parse(1,1,1,.5);//White color with 50% opacity
JMColor col2 = JMColor.parse("#CDFA14");//Red: CD, Green: FA, Blue: 14 (hexadecimal), opacity 100% 
JMColor col3 = JMColor.parse("#CDFA14A6");//Red: CD, Green: FA, Blue: 14 (hexadecimal), opacity A6
JMColor col4 = JMColor.parse("SNOW");//Color SNOW from the JavaFX palette

The LatexMathObject has also the method .setColor(JMColor col) which changes both draw and fill colors, and a overloaded method which allows changing colors in specified glyphs (we will see this in the Mathematical Formulas chapter).

The methods .fillAlpha(double f) and .drawAlpha(double d) sets directly the opacity of fill and draw colors. These methods, like most, can be nested:

Shape sq=Shape.square().fillColor("CADETBLUE").fillAlpha(.5);


All methods that accept colors also accept gradients (in fact, any class that inherits from PaintStyle).

Linear gradients can be defined in a similar way to the JavaFX syntax:

//A linear gradient from point (-1,0) to (1,0)
JMLinearGradient gradientBG = new JMLinearGradient(, 0),, 0));
    .add(0d, "orange")//at t=0 (point (-1,0)), orange color
    .add(1d, "violet");//at t=1 (point (1,0)), violet color

Shape circle =;

//A radial gradient from relative point (.25,.75) and relative radius .75
JMRadialGradient gradientCircle = new JMRadialGradient(, .75), .5);
    .add(0d, "white")//At center of (.25,.75), white color
    .add(1d, "steelblue");//With distance of the center >.5, steelblue color


You can apply gradients both to fill and draw colors:

Rect view = getMathView().getBoundingBox();
JMLinearGradient functionGradient = new JMLinearGradient(view.getLower(), view.getUpper());
    .add(0d, "blue")
    .add(1d, "red");

JMRadialGradient axesGradient = new JMRadialGradient(Point.origin(), 2);
    .add(0d, "black")
    .add(1d, "violet");

Axes axes = new Axes();
axes.generatePrimaryXTicks(-2, 2, .5)
    .generatePrimaryYTicks(-2, 2, .5)

FunctionGraph fg = FunctionGraph.make(x -> Math.sin(x), -2, 2);

add(axes, fg);



The dashStyle method sets the dash used to draw the outline, chosen from the enum DashStyle. Currently, there are 4 different styles, SOLID, DASHED, DOTTED and DASHDOTTED. The following code creates 4 pentagons with these dash styles.

Shape r1 = Shape.regularPolygon(5).thickness(10);
Shape r2 = r1.copy().stackTo(r1, Anchor.Type.RIGHT, .1);
Shape r3 = r1.copy().stackTo(r2, Anchor.Type.RIGHT, .1);
Shape r4 = r1.copy().stackTo(r3, Anchor.Type.RIGHT, .1);
r4.dashStyle(DashStyle.DASHDOTTED);//Note: this style is available from 0.9.4-SNAPSHOT version
add(LaTeXMathObject.make("{\\tt SOLID}").stackTo(r1, Anchor.Type.CENTER));
add(LaTeXMathObject.make("{\\tt DASHED}").stackTo(r2, Anchor.Type.CENTER));
add(LaTeXMathObject.make("{\\tt DOTTED}").stackTo(r3, Anchor.Type.CENTER));
add(LaTeXMathObject.make("{\\tt DASHDOTTED}").stackTo(r4, Anchor.Type.CENTER));
add(r1, r2, r3,r4);


Saving styles

A concrete combination of drawing parameters can be saved in styles. The config objects stores the saved styles and have methods to manage them. To apply a style to an object, use the method .style(styleName).

Shape triangle = Shape.regularPolygon(3).thickness(8).dashStyle(DashStyle.DASHED).fillColor("steelblue");
//Creates style named solidRed
config.createStyleFrom(triangle, "myStyle");
Shape circle =, Anchor.Type.LEFT);
//Apply style to circle"myStyle");
add(triangle, circle);


Nevertheless, although using styles is an efficient way to organize the appearance of an animation, you don’t need to create them to copy the drawing attributes from one object to another. With the .getMP()method you can access directly to the Stylableobject that stores the drawing parameters. If you want to copy the style from object A to B, you can invoke the .copyFrom method like this:


Configuring the scene

The Scene class has an instance of JMathAnimConfig class, named config, that allows us to personalize global aspects of the animation. Most of these methods should be called only on the setupSketch()part of the animation. Invoking configmethods in the runSketch()could lead to unpredictable behavior.

//Methods to adjust output
config.setMediaW(800);//Adjusts width output to 800px
config.setMediaH(600);//Adjusts height output to 600px
config.setFPS(25);//Adjusts frames per second of video output to 25 fps

config.setLowQuality();//Predefined adjusts: 854x480 video, at 30fps
config.setMediumQuality();//Predefined adjusts: 1024x720 video, at 30fps
config.setHighQuality();//Predefined adjusts: 1920x1080 video, at 60fps

config.setCreateMovie(true);//Generates a mp4 file with the animation
config.setOutputDir("media");//Specifies output directory at <PROJECT_DIR>\media (this is the default value)
config.setOutputFileName("animation");//Sets video filename as animation_WWW.mp4 where WWW is the width output (by default, the output file name is the name of the scene class)

config.setShowPreviewWindow(true);//Show the preview window (by default: true)

config.setBackgroundColor(JMColor.parse("WHITE)"));//Sets background color to white
config.setBackGroundImage("background.png");//Sets the background image, located at RESOURCES_DIR. If null, no image background is applied
config.setDrawShadow(true); //Apply shadow effect to the scene, using javafx shadow effect
config.setShadowParameters(10,15,15,.5f);//Sets shadow parameters (kernel 10, offsets 15 and 15, shadow alpha .5f)

config.setResourcesDir("c:\\resources");//Specifies resources directory at absolute path c:\resources

The configuration files

Loading config files

All the settings and definitions can be stored in XML files and loaded with the ConfigLoaderclass. This class holds the static method ConfigLoader.parseFile("file.xml"), which can be called from the config object with config.parseFile("file.xml").

Where does JMathAnim look for the files? Well, there are 3 location types that you can specify:

By default, the resources path is located at /resources folder. So`` if you want to add resources locally to your project, you should create this folder. Of course, you can change the default resources folder with the method config.setResourcesDir(newDir).

This way, if you want to store all your precious resources in a system-wide scope, you can store them in a folder (say /home/bob/myJMathAnimResources) and make JMathAnim look for resources there with the method config.setResourcesDir("/home/bob/myJMathAnimResources") at the beginning of the setupSketch() method (Note that the “!” modifier is not needed here).

A typical resources folder follows this structure:

├── config/
│   ├── configFile1.xml
│   ├── configFile2.xml
│   ├── ...
├── images/
│   ├── image1.png
│   ├── image2.png
│   ├── image3.svg
│   └── ...

The config.parseFile will look into the config folder, and image-related objects like SVGMathObjector JMImage will look into the images folder.

A few examples:

Note: The “!” modifier can also be used when specifying a file path in the config files, like background images, for example.

If the program cannot find the file, the logger will report an error but the execution won’t be stopped.

Here is an example of a basic config file that I use for previewing, called preview.xml. The <video> tag controls aspects related to movie output:

        <size width="1066" height="600" fps="30"/>

And this for production, called productionWithShadow.xml. The background tag controls aspects like image or color background, or shadow effect.

        <size width="1920" height="1080" fps="60"/>
        <shadows kernelSize="8" offsetX="15" offsetY="15" alpha=".5">true</shadows>

This way, in the setupSketch() method, you can change program behavior by just changing the config file loaded.

You can have several config files with different, independent aspects. This is the light.xml config I used in examples shown:

        <style name="default">
          <style name="dotdefault">
        <style name="latexdefault">
        <style name="solidRed">
        <style name="solidBlue">
        <style name="solidGreen">
        <style name="solidOrange">
            <style name="1">
        <style name="2">
        <style name="3">
          <style name="fn1">
         <style name="fn2">
         <style name="fn3">

The JAR of the JMathAnim library has several predefined config files that you can load with “#” flag in the file name:

You can check all the internal config files in the github sources folder.

The <styles> tag allows defining styles to apply to your animation. There are some convention-named styles that are important (names are case-insensitive):

Below there is an example image with the same scene, loading dark.xml and light.xml config files. image-20201208101038042

The <include> tag that appears at the beginning loads other config files. In this case, a dots.xml file with styles for dots is defined:

        <style name="dotRedCircle">
        <style name="redCircle">
        <style name="blueCross">
        <style name="yellowPlus">

Note that the thickness required for a dot to be visible is higher than a Shape. That is because a Pointwith thickness 4 will have the same width as a stroke from a Shape with the same thickness. Point objects require higher thickness parameter in order to be clearly visible.

Configuration files syntax

As we said, the config files that you can read are in XML format. All files must have a root tag called <JMathAnimConfig>. Everything outside of this tag is ignored.

Inside this tag, we may have:

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